I am a native of the state of West Virginia. Although I have lived 20+ years of my life in an larger Eastern city. I was only 7 when the Marshall accident happened but, I remember that night well. I remember mainly the SADNESS my parents felt. I remember the look on their faces to this day. I remember the news reports and people talking about this horrible accident. I still remember those who passed each year on the date. God bless those we lost and the families and friends they left behind. May your memory NEVER be forgotten. For WE ARE.....MARSHALL!!!
1970 Marshall Plane Crash: We Remember
What are your memories of Nov. 14, 1970? Share them here.
Hi,to all.I'm from greece and i just saw the movie.Sorry if my english isn't so good.I just want to say that thiw movie make me cry for rhis tragedy.I'm an athlet too and i can understand the pain loosing a teammate and especially a friend,a brother etc.
I ddin't knew the story till yesterday,now i am going to tell to as much as i can for the 1970 Marshall Football Team.
Rest in peace Marshall Heroes!!!
I have just gone through the archives,and read about the crash and the NTSB's report. I was only six yrs old when the crash occured,but I can remember my father who was a MU Grad. Driving my Mother and me out to see the sight where the plane went down. When I was older,around 18. I drove from my home in Charleston to Huntington and seen the Memorial honoring those who had lost thier lives on that terrible night. I could suddenly remember the day my Father had taken us out here,just as clearly as if it were just yesterday,and a chill ran down my spine. I felt a tremendous amount of sadness envelope me and I wept. Tonight,June 2nd 2007,after reading most of the materail and viewing the pictures,I again felt saddened. I guess its because,I feel a connection,having gone to the sight only days after the tragic crash happened. At six yrs old, I must have somehow stored away that memorey and it surfaced when I was 18 and again at 43. Its hard to explain. I have not seen the movie. I don't know if I want to. I do know,that my Thoughts and Prayers go out to each and every family member,friend and classmates of those who lost thier lives that November night. May thier memories live on forever in Your Hearts. R.I.P.
i was 20 and a marshall student and friends with some of the football players and best friends with mu cheerleader debbie baily , when it came across the tv we all flew in cars to the burning site , i was sick and a helmet before my feet omg its something i will never ever forget ! the pain is still with us all ! katherine mills
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